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Toronto Anthology
by Tania D'Amico

Toronto is arguably one of the biggest cities in Canada. One can argue that Toronto is one of the biggest cities in the world and is forever growing on an international scale when it comes to recognition and familiarity. Toronto is home to many groups that a nation can rally behind. This makes Toronto a home where every Canadian can feel warm when visiting. One of the best-known reasons why Toronto is an important city in Canada and the world is all the places that are nestled inside this town. Many attractions draw a crowd to Toronto. Want to see outstanding architecture? We got it. Want to see natural beauty? We got it too. From old locations to new, Toronto is full of amazing locations well known and secretive. Although not all places in Toronto can be described in the poems of this book, as this city is ever-growing and is already huge, I have written a collection of poems in different styles to try and encapsulate the feeling of such an interesting city.

Tania D'Amico photo

Tania D'Amico is an avid writer who was born, raised, and currently living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. A graduate of the English department at the University Of Toronto, Tania is a credited author of many literary works. Tania is present in the art world both in performing arts and literary arts.


Tania D'Amico

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