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Tarot Etc. I Am Witch. cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-831125-2
    • 8.0 x 10.0 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 88 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-831126-9
    • 8.0 x 10.0 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 88 pages
  • Keywords
    • Memoir on the occult,
    • Satanic cults,
    • Childhood trauma,
    • Connecting with the other side,
    • Paranormal investigation,
    • Being a witch,
    • Psychic medium

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I Am Witch.
A Memoir By Kyla Edwards
by Kyla A. N. Edwards

A fascinating memoir about growing up in Vancouver BC with the Occult in one of the biggest cults in North America and it's unique life path leading me to the spiritual purpose of leading others through their own darkness to enlightenment. This book lightly touches my personal experiences with life, death and the Occult forming me as a life long Occultist, Occult teacher and mentor. In this book I touch on the supernatural and paranormal elements of being a licensed Mortician, Funeral Director, Psychic Medium, Paranormal Investigator and ritualistic abuse survivor. My own journey with Psychic mediumship started at birth. My first memories are of robes, chanting and the smell of incense, I remember drawing pentagrams with purpose in crayon. This lead me to start reading traditional Tarot at 11 years old when my father gave me my first deck of Tarot cards, making this now over 40 years of reading Tarot to clients across the globe!

Kyla A. N. Edwards photo

I was born in the mid 1970's to Satanic parents and raised in Vancouver BC however mostly grew up in Richmond, Steveston, BC. I am a licensed mortician, post mortem vascular surgeon, funeral director and certified Master of Funeral Ceremony now honoring Pagan funeral rites, who is also a psychic medium & professional paranormal investigator who has investigated to some of the most haunted places across America and British Columbia. I am a High Priestess of the (pre Christian) Melchizedeck and practice Ancient Egyptian Seichem energy magic. I am an Occultist and Occult teacher with many years of mentoring students and clients. I enjoy facilitating past life regression sessions, holding Sabbats & Esbat circles, hosting paranormal and occult lecture presentations, painting my Tarot empowerment series of art work and writing classes and books. I love hosting and attending psychic fairs to read my beloved Tarot for it is Tarot above all else that runs through my blood.


Kyla A. N. Edwards

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