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Yola Training Method cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-830940-2
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 126 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-830941-9
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 126 pages
  • Keywords
    • Training tips,
    • Happiness self-help,
    • Master details Confronting ego,
    • Big shift,
    • Attraction self-help,
    • Performance coaching

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Yola Training Method
by Yvon Laplante

Have you ever thought that there could be more, that you could do more? Do you want to live a life you love, living as your true self? Do you want to be free and powerful? Yola Training Method gives you the tools necessary to train your inner world, access your inner power, and awaken your inner warrior. During this process, the evolution of your self in the world will allow you to become more self-sufficient and adjust your mindset to today’s world. In creating a new world for yourself and a stronger, more positive inner culture, you will transcend your old programming, using your intelligence to become a more powerful and versatile version of yourself. Here, Yvon Laplante shares his life story, his evolution from hunger and extreme poverty to living a free and powerful life. Follow the seven steps outlined in Yola Training Method to build leadership skills, improve your mindset, and live the life of a true warrior. All you have to do is train your mindset!

Many of my clients and contributors, my coaches and my friends and all my students

Yvon Laplante has trained with Coach University and in over forty-five diverse programs, including those taught by Tony Robbins, Bill Bartmann, Wayne Dyer, and John Bradshaw. He has been a master coach for the last thirty-five years and has written dozens of training programs. Having learned to look at life with a different mindset, Laplante now shares what he’s learned to make a difference in the world and gives his coaching clients the key to their freedom. His reading, thoughtful conversations, meetings with friends, and horse training inspire his writing and teaching. He enjoys walking in the woods and is a member of the Lions Club and the Knights of Columbus. Laplante lives in the province of Quebec with his cat and a few horses.


Yvon Laplante

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