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Dark Side of the Moose cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-830223-6
    • 5.0 x 8.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 264 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-830224-3
    • 5.0 x 8.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 264 pages
  • Keywords
    • Western fantasy,
    • Good vs. Evil,
    • Magic realism,
    • Orphans,
    • Coming of age,
    • Quests,
    • Ancient relics

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Dark Side of the Moose
by Nicholas Sicard

When an infant boy is left for dead after his parents are killed in an attack by the evil Sharmarkyans, a magical spirit moose comes to his aid and saves his life. Taken in by a kind couple passing by, the child is raised as their own son and nicknamed “Moosinella.” On the autism spectrum, he faces many challenges but soon becomes a courageous and strong vigilante. Years later, Moosinella befriends a man who is sent to assassinate him but has a change of heart. Together they set out on a dangerous quest to kill the ruthless leader of the Sharmarkyans, King Kodiak, who threatens to destroy everything they care about in their homeland of Songerlondia.

Nicholas Sicard photo

Nicholas Sicard is a big fan of Western TV shows and films, and he has a passion for the 1800s—hence, his Western fantasy novel was born! In addition to being a writer, he also enjoys drawing, watching anime, working out, running with his mom, and gaming. Like the main character in his book, Nicholas is also on the autism spectrum. He lives in Ottawa with his family and his dog, Kenji. Dark Side of the Moose is his first novel.


Nicholas Sicard
Pina Sicard

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