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Packart's Orchard cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-919637-7
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 294 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-919638-4
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 294 pages
  • Keywords
    • Small-town mysteries,
    • Private investigators,
    • Detective stories,
    • Farms and orchards,
    • Family sagas,
    • Rural Canadian stories,
    • Canadian mysteries

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Packart's Orchard
A David Allen Murder Mystery
by Wendy Scott-Ettinger

When Anna Lister’s father is one of five people who die mysteriously at Packart’s Orchard in 1990, she is devastated. After the deaths, the orchard, owned by a respected family and a main source of employment in the small town of Windsmill, BC, struggles to find workers and falls into disrepair. In 2012, Albert Packart has finally found a good man to take over the daily operations—but tragedy strikes again. Twenty-three years after her father was taken from her, Anna's husband Jack dies at the orchard under strange circumstances, and she knows in her heart that the deaths are connected. Something or someone at the orchard is killing people, and she's determined to find the answers. When the local police won’t take her suspicions seriously, Anna hires a private investigator, and together they begin to unravel a fifty-year-old deadly secret.

Wendy Scott-Ettinger photo

Wendy Scott-Ettinger considers herself a true Western Canadian: she was born in Saskatchewan, raised in the beautiful interior of British Columbia, and started her career in public service in the Northwest Territories before being transferred to Calgary, Alberta, where she met her husband, Bill. They now have three grown children and three beautiful granddaughters. Wendy has written poetry and short stories all her life, taking after her storyteller father. Packart’s Orchard is her first novel.


Wendy Scott-Ettinger

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