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My First True Love cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-919540-0
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 234 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-919541-7
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 234 pages
  • Keywords
    • First love,
    • Family,
    • Friendship,
    • Love and loss,
    • Personal stories,
    • Feel-good,
    • Anthology

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My First True Love
Collected Stories
by Nina Lee Colwill

Do you remember your first true love? Are you still with that person today? And if not, do you still cherish those memories and marvel at the lessons you learned about romantic love? But maybe your first love wasn't a romance. Maybe your first love was a beloved family member, a cuddly pet, or a precious toy. Love—romantic, familial, or friendly—connects us all, and in My First True Love, seventy- eight people from five countries and a wide array of backgrounds share stories of their first true love. Some of these stories may bring tears to your eyes, others may make you laugh out loud, and some may remind you of your younger self. From a rural church camp to a big-city skating rink, from modern-day loves to near-century-old loves, these stories are testaments to the lasting power of one’s first true love.

Nina Lee Colwill became interested in writing in grade two, when she won three Golden Books from the CBC for her poem “Health Mouse.” A retired academic with a PhD in psychology, she has published three books and over a hundred articles and book chapters. Touche Ross Consultants has presented her with an award for a series of articles in Business Quarterly, in which she provided managers with practical implications of the research literature on women, men, and work. She is a member of the P.E.O. Sisterhood. Like the contributors to My First True Love, Nina has loved and loved again. She lives in Gimli, Manitoba with her husband, Dennis Anderson.


Nina Lee Colwill

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