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Redamancy cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-830621-0
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 258 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-830622-7
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 258 pages
  • Keywords
    • romance,
    • chef,
    • lust vs. love,
    • food,
    • love language,
    • millionaire,
    • family

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The Act of Loving in Return
by Andrea Castillo

A charming and heartfelt novel about the power of food as the ultimate love language. Lana has had a passion for food and cooking for as long as she can remember. Through learning traditional recipes and techniques at her grandmother’s side throughout her childhood, she desperately seeks to share her gift in a meaningful way. However, she’s currently stuck in a dead-end job in a kitchen where she has to follow someone else’s recipes. Her love life isn’t much better. Lana hasn’t found someone who she has truly connected with. A chance encounter with an old friend gives her the opportunity she has been waiting for. Millionaire bachelor Luke Schienberg needs a personal chef, and Lana jumps at the chance to cook for him. Despite her talent with ingredients and flavours, the food Lana serves Luke continues to be returned to the kitchen untouched, and she wonders if she is cut out for the chef life at all. Little does she know that Luke, though rich and handsome, has lived a life starved of love from his distant parents who only care about his social status. Lana is such a departure from that cold and emotionless existence, that he is immediately attracted to everything she represents. He admits that he can’t give her the life of intimacy and connection that she is looking for, but makes her an offer where they can both benefit from one another’s company. Is Lana willing to give up her dreams of finding that perfect fit in her career and her love life for the lust of a millionaire?

Andrea Castillo photo

Andrea Castillo is a talented author originally from Tegucigalpa, Honduras. She moved to New Brunswick, Canada in 2022 to pursue a Bachelor of Administration with a focus on finance. Andrea has also taken many creative writing and publishing courses so that she can share the things she is passionate about through words.


Andrea Castillo

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