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After the Mathis Maxims cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-917746-8
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 108 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-917747-5
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 108 pages
  • Keywords
    • Books about retirement,
    • Retired lifestyle,
    • Retirement travel,
    • World travel,
    • Luxury travel,
    • Family travel,
    • Post-retirement years

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After the Mathis Maxims
A Quarter Century of Love, Life and Travel
by Larry L. Mathis

When he retired early at age 54 from his position as president and chief executive officer of Houston Methodist healthcare system, Larry Mathis wrote the book, The Mathis Maxims: Lessons in Leadership. It became a best seller in the healthcare industry and was frequently used to teach leadership of health care organizations. While he had planned his 27-year healthcare executive career carefully and in detail, he had not planned his retirement. This book is the story of that incredible quarter century of love, life, and travel that followed. Wisdom distilled from a Quarter Century of Love, Life, and Travel TRAVEL IS EDUCATION: When you roam the world as we have, you see the damnedest things. But everything, good and bad, is a learning experience. Travel is a unique and valuable education! MONEY MATTERS: Of course, it does, but it matters differently and in important ways in retirement. CAREER IMPACTS RETIREMENT: What you do professionally before your retirement will have a big impact on what your choices and opportunities are in your retirement years. YOUR SPOUSE: Not only for a traveling companion but, more importantly, a life companion. If you find the right person in life, you will be blessed. YOUR FAVORITE COUNTRY: In conversations with people we meet while traveling, I sometimes mention that we have been to more than 140 countries. Impressed, someone often asks “so what is your favorite country?” I always immediately respond “the United States of America." With all its flaws, which are basically human flaws, it is still a shining example of what a country can and should be. My favorite? You bet! ATTITUDE: My attitude about my love, life and travel has been one of awe, humility, and enormous gratitude!

Larry Mathis has traveled to 142 countries, to all seven continents, flown around the world three times, sailed across the Pacific and Indian Oceans and four times across the Atlantic Ocean and across almost all of the other Oceans and Seas of the world. He has walked the frozen Antarctic ice and the snows of the Arctic, has done the famous Northwest Passage from Greenland across the North of Canada and Alaska and down the Bering Strait. He has taken the Trans-Siberian Express by rail 6,600 miles from Moscow to Vladivostok. In a field near a village in Bali, he watched the happy, celebratory, fiery cremation of a grandmother. And, most importantly, through almost all of those experiences, he has been accompanied by Diane, his wife, partner, soul mate and the love of his life. On the professional side, he has been honored to serve three public companies as an independent director, served his international professional society, the American College of Healthcare Executives, as chairman of the board, was inducted into the national Healthcare Hall of Fame, and was selected as the first ever Texas Hospital Association Legend. And, he had the time and pleasure of following the lives of his children and grandchildren. This book is a direct conversation of a successful GrandDad with them and their future generations.


Larry L. Mathis

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