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One in Six cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-917553-2
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 210 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-917554-9
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 210 pages
  • Keywords
    • sexual abuse of males,
    • PTSD,
    • addictions,
    • female perpetrators,
    • depression and anger,
    • sexual compulsivity,
    • CBT treatment

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One in Six
A Man's Guide to Overcoming Childhood Sexual Abuse
by Russell Stagg

Tens of millions of men are survivors of child sexual abuse. Studies by the CDC, NSPCC, and others show males experience sexual abuse at almost the same rate as females, and have mainly female perpetrators (principally mothers). Licensed psychotherapist Russell Stagg explains that most survivors struggle with post-traumatic stress or PTSD (particularly complex PTSD), even if they don’t know it. Pointing out that most addicts and alcoholics have a history of child abuse, he then addresses addictions, including those to porn and sex. He acknowledges that survivors often end up in abusive relationships, and cites reputable studies showing men are about as likely to be domestic violence victims as women. Tackling a long list of trauma-related problems, Russell teaches topics like anger management, assertiveness, and suicide prevention. He stresses the need for therapeutic support, listing the qualities of good therapists; then he describes how to deal with the frequently-encountered hostile therapists rushing to defend female child molesters. At least one in six men has experienced sexual abuse—including the author. Russell’s book is the product of years of experience, addressing male survivors’ concerns with empathy and compassion.

Russell Stagg photo

RUSSELL STAGG has been counseling in Canada since 2013, with psychotherapy licenses in New Brunswick, British Columbia, and Ontario. Before entering private practice, he was the resident chaplain for the emergency, intensive care, and burn units at Calgary Foothills Hospital; the Jewish chaplain at the University of Calgary; and a chaplain intern at Peter Lougheed Hospital in Calgary. His articles on trauma recovery have appeared in major psychology journals, including an invited article for the prestigious journal Self & Society. His research in various fields has been cited almost 3,000 times in academic publications. His knowledge of child sexual abuse and addictions comes from his training, his clients—and his personal experience. Russell lives in Saint John, New Brunswick, with his wife, Lynn, and their cat, Gracie.


Russell Stagg

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