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The Adventures of Peek-A-Boo and Princess Cheyenne cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-911793-8
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 132 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-911794-5
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 132 pages
  • Keywords
    • Cats,
    • Adopt a pet,
    • Pets,
    • Family,
    • Jealousy,
    • A journey home,
    • Adventure stories

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The Adventures of Peek-A-Boo and Princess Cheyenne
by Shani Simmons

Cheyenne is a pampered show kitty living with a loving family. Peek-A-Boo is a feral cat who was left at the humane society. When Peek-A-Boo is adopted by Cheyenne’s family, Cheyenne’s jealousy causes her to lie to the new cat. She tells Peek-A-Boo that the family doesn’t like her and she’s afraid she’ll be sent back to the animal shelter, so Peek-A-Boo runs away from home. Now out in the big wide world, Peek-A-Boo begins making friends and even meets a new human family. With the help of a pair of chatty squirrels, a flirty raccoon, and a scary owl, will Peek be able to find her way back home again? Or will her new family want to keep her forever?

Shani Simmons photo

Shani Simmons can’t remember a life without cats. She even used to own a cattery and raised and sold Persian cats! Princess Cheyenne and Peek-A-Boo were two real cats owned by her family. Simmons first began thinking of this book twenty-three years ago, after watching her two young sons play with their pets. Shani lives in Vallejo Ca. with her husband and two cats: Sir Archibald (a rescued tuxedo Maine Coon), and Teka, an elderly cat (a humane society adoptee) that she has had since kittenhood. The Adventures of Peek-A-Boo and Princess Cheyenne is the first book in a series of adventures about the two kitties.


Shani Simmons
Jack Crimmins
Muhammad Rizwan Tufail

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