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Hope is Triumphant cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-911358-9
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Canadian history,
    • Canadian prairies,
    • Christian religion,
    • Farming,
    • Prairie life,
    • Rural living,
    • Small towns

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Hope is Triumphant
A Collection of Short Stories
by William Shymkiw

This book is a collection of fiction short stories about people and their lives. If you liked the stories of the first book, The Sun Will Rise Tomorrow, The second book Hope Is Triumphant will appeal to you. The prominent feature of both books is the variety of stories. The dominant theme in both books is Hope. The author William (Bill) Shymkiw draws on his experiences, general knowledge, and above all his imaginations to create characters, themes, and settings, that are unique to each story. The settings are in different parts of the world but the focus is primarily on the areas of Western Canada. His characters are ordinary people who face trials, challenges, and tragedies, yet rise above to show that the human spirit can be triumphant. Each story will evoke a particular emotional response. Most stories will leave the reader with hope and feelings of gratitude. This will be an affirmation that life can be joyful and beautiful.

AUTHOR William (Bill) Shymkiw is the author of this book. Bill is a retired Senior and lives in Olds, Alberta. In his earlier life he was a farmer, gardener, and teacher. After his vision failed, he pursued former and new interests. All his life Bill has been an avid gardener. Today with Rita’s help the garden is a creation of beauty. Then he took up landscape painting. The book cover picture is one of his paintings. At age ninety he took up writing and this book is is one of the results. It is his hope the reader will find it interesting. CONTRIBUTOR There is a contributor who has helped to create this book of many stories. She is Rita MacPherson. In the past eight years she has been the author's caregiver. The author has limited vision so she has been his eyes. Many times when the author expressed doubt, she has provided encouragement. As she typed the words of the manuscript there were passages she has particularly liked. There are others where she would pause and frown. Yet overall, though she and the author are different persons, they are one in pursuit of common purpose. She and the author want the reader to enjoy the many stories. She and the author share a similar view of life. Enjoy each day and celebrate it.


William Shymkiw
Contribution by
Rita MacPherson

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