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Phantoms of the Forgotten cover

  • Keywords
    • Political intrigue,
    • Sword & Sorcery,
    • Dungeons and Dragons,
    • Battles,
    • Elves,
    • Orcs,
    • Dragons

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Phantoms of the Forgotten
by Timothy Hopewell

As a noose circle around Brennan Garthan's neck, the prince in exile from Ganthrow. He must decide whether to step up and occupy the lands of a former ally or surrender and watch his people who sacrificed so much to lose everything. Meanwhile, a former enemy, Lazlo Malice, is released from a Lacorian prison with the task to kidnap Prince Brennan's son. Lazlo must choose between his homeland and honour. Loyalties break as War looms upon Brennan and he must choose between a pact that had lasted centuries or forging his own path in a foreign land.

Writing in of itself is a passion. I have worked on this particular story for the better part of twenty years. It takes time, a lot of mistakes, boy have I made them, and effort. Just ask me about the time I deleted AN ENTIRE MANUSCRIPT with no ability to retrieve it. My efforts and work have provided fruit. I live in Canada with my best friend, who beyond my understanding, has put up with me for almost twenty years, and my traitorous cat, who I have put up with for nearly ten years.


Timothy Hopewell

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