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Sophia's Return cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-8669-9
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-5255-8667-5
    • 8.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 184 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-5255-8668-2
    • 8.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 184 pages
  • Keywords
    • Ritual,
    • Women’s spirituality,
    • Self-improvement,
    • Spiritual journey,
    • Crone Goddess,
    • Mother Earth,
    • Tarot

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Sophia's Return
A Guide to Creating A Goddess-Inspired Sacred Circle
by Purple Goddess

Sophia's Return is an exploration of Goddess spirituality and an instructional book. It encourages women to lead their own sacred circle using the Celtic Wheel of the Year and shows them how to run a sacred or spirituality circle. This book includes the script for eight ceremonies typically used for the Celtic Wheel of the Year, for example, Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox, Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. Each ceremony includes a guided meditation and information about the Goddess honoured during that ceremony. Sample Maiden, Mother and Crone ceremonies as well as a personal memoir recounting the author's own story and Goddess experience are included. This book is a beneficial tool for women of all ages who might be feeling a call for spirituality with the Feminine at its centre. One of the goals with this book is to give the reader the basic tools and foundation of knowledge to get started to run their own sacred circle in a simple and easy-to-use format.

"A valuable resource for those seeking the Goddess." —Carol P. Christ, author of Rebirth of the Goddess and leader of Goddess Pilgrimages to Crete "Sophia's Return, A Guide to Creating a Goddess-Inspired Sacred Circle is a beautifully written guide book for women returning to the Mother of us All. A unique and practical resource for creating a meaningful life and community grounded in the sacred mysteries of the earth." —Jennifer Berezan, singer/songwriter, producer of ReTurning, a crosscultural chant-based recording "Anne, The Purple Goddess, has rung the temple bell, summoning us, lovers and seekers of the sacred feminine, to enter the temple - the home of Sophia and goddesses of all forms. Luckily, we are well prepared to join or lead the sacred circle, through all the seasons of the turning year, now that we have this beautifully crafted guidebook of simple-to-use scripts, ritual tools, ancient myths and resources. Together we will celebrate Sophia's Return. May it be so!" —Erica Ross, author/artist of She Reflects: A Spiral Journey for the Feminine Soul

Purple Goddess photo

PURPLE GODDESS HAS DEDICATED HER LIFE TO supporting women’s transformation. She has been walking a Goddess path for 30 years and adopted the name “Purple Goddess” when she was “crowned” a Crone (wise woman). In her professional years as a social worker, she both taught and modeled the profound power of women’s circles - in particular, facilitating healing circles for female survivors of sexual and domestic abuse. Purple Goddess regularly leads sacred circles journeying through the Celtic Wheel of the Year embracing the energies of the Triple Goddess - Maiden, Mother and Crone. These circles are the source of profound experience and transformation. Purple Goddess connects with her followers and clients through inspirational emails, Purple Goddess Daily enCOURAGEment™, a weekly newsletter, tarot card of the week Facebook videos, Honest Conversations with the Purple Goddess™ podcasts, and sacred ceremonies.


Purple Goddess

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