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All the Darkness
by P. Marcelo W. Balboa

In a deep sleep the dreams of a world not real but as real as a child could make it opened the eyes of author P. Marcelo W. Balboa. He sat up and began drawing. Each page filled with ease as a story of a young boy enduring the hardship provided by others emerged. The child, Petey, must come to terms with the strenuous expectations of this world and his reaction to it. It's not a story of a man facing a dragon in a dungeon but to Petey it is. For every foe he faces is a representation of antagonists in his life he must learn to stand up to. It's a story of the poison called fear and the antidote called courage. In the end Petey must choose to let the world dominate him or rise up and prove his worth in a world that seems find very little value in him.

This book delivers a striking account of the struggle a child can emerge from and the greater version of themself they can become with just a few words of encouragement from a loved one. Its about being a product of your journey not your upbringing.

P. Marcelo W. Balboa photo

P. Marcelo W. Balboa is an accomplished author with several published books to his name. Each came from a place inside him that needed to speak to the world. With loving grandparents he could have lived peaceful and happy. Unfortunately there were jealous, ugly people in this world bent on verbally or physically abusing him. He almost became the monster they didn't realize they were turning him into. He would meet a wonderful wife and raise wonderful children who made him a good person but for many years he remained haunted by his past. Creating this book relaxed his spirit as he released his story to Petey and lived vicariously through the boys fight for self respect.


P. Marcelo W. Balboa

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