Juvenile Fiction, Social Issues, Physical & Emotional Abuse
Hurt to Healing
Child Witnesses of Domestic Violence and Their Invisible Injuries by Althea T. Simpson
Ten-year-old Mike is often sad and afraid because of witnessing domestic violence in his home. Mike tries his best to keep the family secret, but this leaves him feeling angry and anxious and struggling to concentrate in school. When he finally...
Sunset Hugs
by Abilene Snow
Bubby hasn’t had a nice life so far. The owner of the puppy mill where he lives is mean and hurtful. His only friend is a red cardinal, Lummy, who provides comfort. But Bubby’s life starts to change. While he still has bad memories and worries,...
Never Give Up
by Jessica Hannon
What if you lost your truth? What if your truth and your story were taken from you? What if you were told what to believe in your story, your truth? Never Give Up shadows a teenage girl through her high school journey. For some, the high school...
All the Darkness
by P. Marcelo W. Balboa
In a deep sleep the dreams of a world not real but as real as a child could make it opened the eyes of author P. Marcelo W. Balboa. He sat up and began drawing. Each page filled with ease as a story of a young boy enduring the hardship provided...
Il y a un Monstre chez moi
Un livre sur les droit de l'homme des enfants by D. E-Collen
Enfants, nous croyions tous aux monstres, mais en grandissant, nous nous disons qu'ils n’étaient pasréels et n’existaient que dans notre imagination. En fait,il existe de vrais monstresautour de nous. Ils se déguisent en personnes ordinaires, ils...
There's a Monster in My House
A book about children's human rights by D E-Collen
As children, we all believe in monsters, but when we grow up, we tell ourselves they were never real, and that we only imagined them. But there are true monsters in the world. Disguising themselves as ordinary people, they take out their anger...
Alfred's Special Place
Finding Sanctuary Now and Forever by Paola di Paolo
Alfred’s Special Place is about a donkey who wants so badly to belong and be helpful at the farm where he lives. But because people have not taken care of Alfred, his hooves are sore. Poor Alfred cannot walk much less chase the coyotes away from...