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Poets Road- The Wurdz cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-8837-2
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-5255-8836-5
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 156 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-5255-8835-8
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 156 pages
  • Keywords
    • underground poetry,
    • Autobiographic poet,
    • street poetry,
    • strange poet,
    • performance artist,
    • freestyle lyricist,
    • Metis poet

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Poets Road- The Wurdz
A Companion Guide to the Poets Road CD Trilogy
by Xam Eitsirhc - "The Snake Oil Poet"

This autobiographical poetry collection recounts tales from the periphery of society, illuminating, in the author’s words, “a life misspent without repent.” Fellow outcasts will recognize themselves in these diverse themes, including social status, love, friendship, and the many hardships that constitute the human condition. For readers who have lived a safe distance from the underbelly of society—street life, hustling, prison, homelessness, addiction, and poverty—these raw, candid, and powerful poems allow them to vicariously experience the life of the ostracized. Poets Road- The Wurdz is intended as a companion guide to the author’s three previous compact discs, including all the poems and their track art. Photographs enhance and anchor the poems here; many of the featured photos were taken during the poem’s creation. With this book, readers can see, read, understand, and feel the words, poems, and lyrics as they stand on their own. Written in a boisterous, lyrical style, and created from the author’s lived experiences, Poets Road- The Wurdz travels the dark alleys most folks try to avoid, exploring the many facets of what it means to live—and sometimes barely survive—in modern society. It gives a voice to the downtrodden, those kicked around by people and circumstances, then left to flounder and figure it out on their own. Take a glimpse into the author’s complex inner world, and ponder questions that perhaps remain without answers.

"An ingenious and enigmatic poet/writer and spoken word artist dancing to the beat of his own drum. His autobiographical words, which are produced in prolific scenes and images routed into the reader’s and the listener’s mind, taking them on an original and eccentric journey of the metaphysical rhetorical questions of quanta and social boundaries of class distinction and acceptance, leaving the listener/reader pondering new concepts, thoughts and theories." —Little Annie Anxiety Bandez (Singer/Musician/Artist) "A visceral journey in non-conformity, Xam finds hope and beauty in the darkness with natural lyricism. Authentic and undeniable." —Bruce McCulloch (Writer/Actor/Director- Kids in the Hall/Young Drunk Punk) “A skinny dip thru his eccentric mind.” —Anne Weston (Singer/James Brown) “We are cautious …but optimistic about Xam Eitsirhc.” —CJSW 90.9 fm Alternative Radio “Xam’s outlaw tradition of poetry in autobiographical context bellows forth from a time unrestrained and in gypsy fashion.” —Jeremiah Crow & His Insufferable One Man Show (Musician/Artist) “Xam Eitsirhc - The Snake Oil Poet – distils the passion of centuries into votives of truth that are poignant and filled with layers of poetic espionage. I love Xam’s work, rife with intrigue, metaphysical riddles, and existential despair.” —Sheri-D Wilson (Poet Laureate Emeritus of Calgary) “If you want cries from the seedy underlife of North American big cities you should look here. Bukowski, Leonard Cohen it is not. This is more poisonous and you will need to suffer for your education.” —Benjamin Darvill (Musician- Crash Test Dummies/Son of Dave)

Xam Eitsirhc - "The Snake Oil Poet" photo

Xam Eitsirhc- “The Snake Oil Poet” (pronounced in the reverse phonetics as “Scam Ite-sir-IK”) is an award-winning poet of Métis decent, and draws creative inspiration from his diverse experiences, which include incarceration, living on the streets, hitch hiking, jumping freight trains, working in a traveling sideshow, and facing heroin addiction and recovery. Writing accolades include performing for Single Onion Poetry’s one hundredth anniversary; featured poet for Humans of London & in Dark Parlour magazine; published in Wax Poetry and Art magazine; awarded an Individual Aboriginal Artist Grant (Métis) by the Alberta Foundation for the Arts, and being published in the book YYC POP: Portraits of People. Xam Eitsirhc and Obzydian, a hairless hound dog, have a roof in Western Canada where the prairie meets the mountain, and a sea of grassland blows in the wind for as long as it grows—broken only by the yellow line of asphalt ribbon.


Xam Eitsirhc - "The Snake Oil Poet"

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