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Lessons From the Creek cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-6612-7
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-5255-6611-0
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 150 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-5255-6610-3
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 150 pages
  • Keywords
    • life lessons,
    • insights about life,
    • Forty Mile Creek,
    • Advice for life,
    • inspired by water,
    • calming effect of water,
    • lessons from nature

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Lessons From the Creek
Insights on Life, Love and Higher Consciousness
by Jennifer D. Johnston

Do you have a smouldering dissatisfaction with where you are on your personal journey? Are you plagued with self-doubt or insecurity? Have you heard all the talk about gratitude and “being present,” but you're unsure how to employ these abstract concepts to your everyday life? Embracing nature can vault your soul to a higher level, and Lessons from the Creek can teach you how. Author Jennifer D. Johnston breaks down nature’s timeless wisdom into manageable lessons made accessible through creek-inspired metaphors. Water has always soothed and nourished us through the awe-inspiring power of waves crashing on the shore, the calming song of a babbling brook, or the quiet mirror-like stillness of a lake. When we look deeper, there are many lessons that can be learned by observing the way water moves and flows … the way it adapts to its surroundings while never compromising its true nature. Like water droplets in a larger body, we are all part of a greater whole, never alone, lifting one another up on our individual journeys. Through these insights, the creek offers the perfect marriage of the spiritual and physical, of theory and practicality, to inspire you to create a divinely rewarding and abundant life.

Author Jennifer D. Johnston is a spiritual seeker and child of nature. As a long-distance trail runner, entrepreneur, and helicopter pilot, Jennifer has always marvelled at the many wonders our planet holds—if we learn to stop, look, and listen. After facing numerous health and emotional challenges throughout her life, Jennifer decided to follow her heart back to the earth, where nature's innate wisdom revealed itself along the banks of a small-town creek. She knows first-hand that personal growth comes from planting wisdom seeds in the gardens of our souls and it is her hope that she can share that wisdom with others who have either lost their way or are looking for a new path forward. Jennifer has lived on three continents and in several countries. With many years spent in the service industry, she was able to experience a wide variety of cultures and perspectives, and adopt a little wisdom from each into her own life. She currently lives on her boat in Grimsby, Ontario, with her cat, Rosie.


Jennifer D. Johnston

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