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Calm in the Storm cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-5255-6061-3
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 138 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-5255-6060-6
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 138 pages
  • Keywords
    • Self-help,
    • Emotions,
    • Trauma,
    • Anxiety,
    • Depression,
    • PTSD,
    • Mindfulness

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Calm in the Storm
A Collection of Simple Strategies You Can Use Right Now to Shift Out of Anxiety
by Susan Guttridge

Calm in the Storm offers simple techniques and profound concepts to help you develop fundamental skills in settling over-whelming emotion. There are moments in our lives when emotion comes on so strong and so fast that we feel out of control, completely over-whelmed, and emotionally flooded. It can be bewildering and frightening, often leaving us with a sense of powerlessness, even despair. When we haven’t yet developed the ability to shift out of that emotional intensity, even the simplest tasks become harder. Life becomes harder. Emotional distress can feel painful, and the thoughts that so often accompany that distress can be confusing and debilitating. This book will help you deepen your ability to settle intense and overwhelming emotion. Through the use of simple strategies that can be implemented anywhere, you will learn to recognize, observe, and shift your emotion. When we master strategies to healthfully soothe ourselves, to settle strong emotion, we build confidence. We start to feel stronger, more capable – in being with emotion and in life overall. This book will ignite hope and spark a renewed belief in your inner potential.

“This resource is what every person who lives with anxiety or any effect of trauma needs to read.  I’ve been a trauma therapist for thirty years and I’ve been waiting for something that is easy to read, short, and offers a breadth of grounding tools that the reader can apply to their every day lives.  THIS is that resource, well done Susan!” — Susan Armstrong, M.Ed. R.C.C. “This book is a much-needed resource for anyone seeking self-soothing techniques to weather strong emotions. Offering techniques to help navigate dysregulation, this resource is a wonderful opportunity to help us better understand and work with our nervous systems.  While we can’t control life, we can manage our response to the ride!” — Cristin Brew, LMFT “This book offers easy-to-use strategies for calming emotion during the preparation for EMDR and deeper levels of therapy. It is a vital tool for clients to successfully engage in EMDR and trauma therapy the first time – enhancing the ability to engage in re-processing within the window of tolerance. It is a must read for both clinicians and clients. When used collaboratively with a therapist, the strategies offered in this book can enhance collaboration around skill building and resource development.” — Irene DeLeenheer, RCSW, MSW, BSW. EMDRIA certified Therapist and Consultant with Safe Zone Counselling “I’m excited about the release of Susan’s book on emotional self-regulation. As a practicing therapist who aims to put patients in touch with their core emotions, I frequently encounter individuals who resist experiencing feelings for fear of being overtaken by them. “What am I supposed to do with all this anger/sadness/fear?!” This book will be a resource for supporting clients in managing difficult emotional states towards safety and healing.” — Larisa Blum, MFT, with Grateful Heart Holistic Therapy Center

Susan Guttridge photo

Susan Guttridge is a Master’s level Counsellor and certified EMDR therapist. She is registered with the Canadian Counselling & Psychotherapy Association. Susan’s expertise is in trauma therapy and includes the impacts of trauma, anxiety and post-traumatic stress, and depression. Susan works with youth and adults in private practice in the sunny Okanagan Valley, British Columbia.


Susan Guttridge

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