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Young Love cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-5131-4
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-5255-5130-7
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 294 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-5255-5129-1
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 294 pages
  • Keywords
    • Adoption story,
    • Search for biological parents,
    • understanding adoption issues,
    • Adoptee’s rights,
    • finding birthparents,
    • birth family search,
    • Canadian adoption laws

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Young Love
An Adoptee's Memoir
by Bonnie Parsons

Young Love: An Adoptee’s Memoir describes the author’s lifelong, innate curiosity about her adoption. She was born in Catherine Booth Hospital in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and relinquished into foster care by her birth mother at six weeks. Adopted and raised in a family with love and support, she nevertheless became frustrated not knowing anything about her biological family and her heritage—and further frustrated when she learned what it means to have a “closed” adoption. As a young mother, she finally decided to ask for answers and began a 35 year search for her birth parents. The story unfolds with non-identifying information, library research, internet research, and DNA! Adoption search angels provide invaluable assistance and encouragement. Bonnie Parsons’ style is open and fresh. She shares her love for both her adoptive and biological families. This memoir will inform and inspire adoptees who are searching. The answers are out there. Never give up!

Quotes from my blog: Young Love—An Adoptee’s Memoir An Adoptee’s Search for Her Identity, Finding Birthparents in a Closed Adoption “Why did I want to know who gave birth to me? My mom and I shared a strong mother-daughter bond. I never wanted to hurt her. I never wanted her to think she wasn’t my one and only mom.” Was My Curiosity Wrong? “Once I knew my birthmother’s name, I decided to ask for my original birth certificate. It was a tricky process, but thankfully, I succeeded. What a joy to hold that simple document, a lawful and legitimate record of my illegitimate birth!” Original Birth Certificate, Please “It became clear that my birthmother’s only option for me was adoption. There were no alternatives. I believe that without support from her family and community, she did her best. Eventually, I understood her decision.” Completing the Triangle “When I learned the identity of my birthmother, my love for my mom and dad was as strong as ever. Finding a new love or friend does not diminish our love for the most precious people in our lives.” Adoption Laws

Bonnie Parsons photo

Bonnie Parsons was born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. When she was 13, her family moved to Amherst, Massachusetts where she attended high school and university. Bonnie and her husband, Paul, live in Clarence, New York. Previously, they lived in the Parkside neighborhood of North Buffalo for over thirty years where they raised their two children. They have four grandchildren. Bonnie received her undergraduate degree from the University of Massachusett Amherst. She has a Masters degree from the University of Rhode Island and a Certificate of Advanced Study in Educational Leadership from Buffalo State College.


Bonnie Parsons

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