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The Inspirations Of Wolf cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-6540-3
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Daily journal,
    • Self-improvement,
    • Growth and learning,
    • Inspiration,
    • Motivation,
    • Overcoming challenges,
    • English/Spanish

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The Inspirations Of Wolf
A Working Journal for Growth and Advanced ESL Readers
by Wolfgang Schifer

This book is about being rebuilt after a fire. A path I myself took to help me construct a solid foundation to leap from. Daily drops of inspirations that I hope you can use to self grow, learn, explore, and make your own! Combined with a way for language learning as well. I encourage the reader to use this book as a motivational tool for challenging themselves, to interpret, and self meditate. And if you are wanting to learn another language, you are able to use this guide for that too. Using the spaces provided to practice your expression and thoughts in your second language. Either way, I hope this book will do for you, what it has done for me. Thank you for taking the time and attention to explore it!

I suppose I could use this space to tell you about my accomplishments and brag about my life. On the other hand, I could tell you all the terrible aspects of myself and what I've been through. The reality of it though, I'm just like you. A traveler in this life, such as yourself. We all have our own paths, strengths, weaknesses, and struggles. But I'm just a man who wants to help others. So if you picked up this book, are reading this page, then maybe you're looking for something. That something may be in this book. This whole book is about me. Once you read it, this whole book will then become about you!


Wolfgang Schifer

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