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Gift of Lament cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-5606-7
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-5255-5605-0
    • 8.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 108 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-5255-5604-3
    • 8.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 108 pages
  • Keywords
    • domestic violence,
    • domestic abuse,
    • family violence,
    • violence against women,
    • healing and recovery,
    • marriage,
    • motherhood

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Gift of Lament
by Sherrie L Winstanley

Gift of Lament is one woman’s raw and powerful story of surviving the horrors of intimate partner violence. Through evocative poetry and poignant journal entries, Sherrie Winstanley explores the depths of her harrowing abusive relationship with an ex-husband and how she found the strength to eventually leave him and start a new life with her children. Her openness and courage invite the reader to see, name, and feel the brokenness in domestic abusive relationships and understand the depth that trauma victims face. Those who have lived with abuse, or still do, will relate to the rollercoaster emotions she exposes and be inspired to realize they do not need to feel isolated or hopeless. It is never too late to take decisive action to free your soul and spirit, as she did, and reclaim your authentic self and heal.

"A strong voice about domestic violence. Sherrie doesn’t hide behind a mask of words. She reveals her pain, tears and shame as it was. You can hear her screaming, you can see her scars, you can touch her tears. What courage!" ~ Choi Young-Mi, Korean poet and author of The Party Was Over "An inspiring personal journey through the hell of domestic violence and beyond, to a life of faith, hope and empathy. The Gift of Lament is for anyone who has experienced the trauma of abuse or seeks to better understand its toxic fallout." ~ Margo Goodhand, author of Runaway Wives and Rogue Feminists: The Origins of the Women’s Shelter Movement in Canada "This beautifully written book is a compilation of poems and journal entries that take us through the trauma and turmoil of domestic violence. A world where pain, struggle, self-doubt, fear, shame, and resilience can be felt. Sherrie’s life story makes visible coercive control and mothering in the context of domestic violence. This book is a gift to women in similar experiences behind closed doors as the journey of domestic violence is a process. Sherrie points out how difficult it is to be vulnerable and the challenges she overcame within her life. The written accounts may guide others to discover the courage and strength it takes to break free from walking on eggshells. This book is A MUST READ for all of us informal and formal supporters who care about relationships and supporting domestic violence victims/survivors." ~ Wendy Aujla, PhD Candidate Sociology, University of Alberta "This piece of work is a harrowing account of a woman whose love and trust were betrayed by the person she adored. It enlightens on how children are impacted by domestic violence and reveals what victims go through even after the cycle of violence is broken: the unending condemnation, torment, depression, shame, doubt, and loneliness. Sherrie displayed strength and courage amid the chaos in her home life, yet rose above her trauma; as a woman, as a mother to share her story as a guide for other women in similar situations, and her willingness to bare her vulnerability so that others come to know they, too, can travel their path and survive by sheer determination." ~ Toyin Ekpeneidua, Registered Social Worker

Sherrie L Winstanley photo

Sherrie L. Winstanley returned to post-secondary school as a mature student and earned a Bachelor of Social Work degree. She has worked with multibarriered, vulnerable adults in developing preemployment skills, realizing good mental health and wellness, and in securing housing. She is the visionary, founder, and executive director of S.H.A.D.E. (Safe Housing and Directed Empowerment) Inc., a secondstage housing initiative in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Their mission is to provide safe housing and social services to immigrant and refugee women who have been impacted by intimate partner violence (IPV) and/or family violence, as they work to rebuild their lives and transition from a place of victimization to a place of confidence, healing, stability, and resiliency. For years, Sherrie has been supporting female clients living in abusive relationships. To learn more about SHADE, please visit


Sherrie L Winstanley
Heidi Erisman

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