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The War on Drugs cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-5255-7972-1
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 264 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-5255-7971-4
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 264 pages
  • Keywords
    • American memoir,
    • Benefits of drugs,
    • Legalization of drugs,
    • Marijuana and kratom,
    • FDA drugs,
    • DEA drugs,
    • USA drug policy

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The War on Drugs
Tales from a Member of the Resistance
by Theodore Villella

Villella asks, Why has The War on Drugs expanded exponentially for five decades? Why does it continue to fail? What can you do to end it? He hopes to reach a global audience from Baby Boomers to Gen Z, who recognize they have the power within them to use their voices to rid the world of yet another political catastrophe. Drug abuse harms all of us. How we work to eliminate it will require the courage to leave the past behind and the creativity to forge new, measurable, dynamic solutions that will make transformation possible. The book follows these themes: • How well-meaning people are blinded by long-held irrational beliefs and confirmation biases • Why it is important to raise questions about the motives, measures, and methods of government decision-makers. Explains why new very expensive drugs offered as solutions are inadequate to address a more profound, complex, and encompassing problem. Expect two learning outcomes: 1. Ideas about how to do much more to hold our government and large, influential corporations accountable. 2. Advice on how to differentiate between what is fake and what is factual and recognize how modern communications technologies, perhaps unwittingly, exploit our cognitive vulnerabilities.

Theodore Villella photo

Since the 70s, Ted Villella has kept a hand in creative writing. While observing, commenting, and sometimes participating in the American drug culture, Mr. Villella has written hundreds of poems, short stories, essays, and journals. Often, he documented what he experienced, from pot to opioids and the Kratom he uses to manage the chronic pain from injuries he received in a severe car accident when he was 19. In this first book, he tells his story. In Part One of this book, Ted describes his journey from a 4th grader in a rural school in southwestern Pennsylvania to today. He is honest about struggles with depression that have disrupted his life, a theme that surfaces in some of the poems he includes throughout the book. The founder of Access Media International, Inc, an innovative learning design and development organization specializing in creating custom learning solutions for major corporations, including GM, Ford, Chrysler, and Yazaki, Ted is known for his creativity. He taught undergraduate and graduate courses on Educational Media, Advanced Windows Multimedia, Introduction to Windows Multimedia, Survey of Telecommunications, and several Windows applications courses in the nascent days of personal computers. With over 25 years of experience designing and developing instructor-led, online learning, and distance learning courses on an extensive range of topics, Ted has published hundreds of titles for several major corporations. Now he turns his hand to a different kind of writing, something far more provocative and vital.


Theodore Villella
Temi O
Sergio Drumond

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