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Stones Will Shout cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-4744-7
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • seasons of life,
    • autobiographical,
    • Saskatchewan poems,
    • Canadian poetry collection,
    • Cree ministry,
    • changes for youth-adult

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Stones Will Shout
by Helen E. Herr

In Stones Will Shout, Helen E. Herr shares poetic anecdotes that demonstrate life's ironies and loveliness in equal measure. "Our children have left home for their careers/I just begin mine," she writes, reminiscing about obtaining a theology degree in her 40s; and, after a beloved foster son's death, she reveals that in the heart of deepest pain "all smile for family photos". Herr also celebrates Saskatchewan's beauty and the gifts nature delivers, ie: crocuses "dress frosty hills/in mauve," and seagulls at Greig Lake "map routes in the sand". This is a writer who not only understands that the "Black-eyed oak refuses/to face the ocean" because it is "ashamed to be a bench/on a beach," but also empathizes with that misplaced tree. The human body becomes wind, tree, moon, bird, water. In their disparate subject matter—and with Herr's ability to press the bruises—the poems in this candid and well-honed collection remind us that where there have been shadows, the light one day returns. How does one survive a life? By naturalizing sorrow, creativity, community, and the self as part of the order of all things animate and inanimate. - Taylor Leedahl, Toronto, ON

Helen E. Herr photo

Helen Erlene (Greer) Herr is the second in a line of four female writers. As a mother of five and foster parent to twenty-five, her life has been shaped by the children and adults who surround her. Stones Will Shout is Helen’s first published book. She hopes readers will read her poems slowly, and connect to them with their personal and collective stories. Helen has enjoyed each phase of her life. She’s been a registered piano teacher (ARCT); a United Church organist; obtained her Master of Divinity from St. Andrew’s College in Saskatoon; and was ordained in the United Church of Canada. Upon retirement, Helen completed the University of Saskatchewan Art and Design Certificate program, with a major in Soapstone. Helen lives in Watrous, SK. She participates in her church and community through Blue Sky Writers’; Saskatchewan Writers Guild programs; Spirit of Manitou Studio Trail; Gallery on 3rd in Watrous; and juried art shows.


Helen E. Herr
Bryan Mierau
Sheila Hansen

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