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Humour Me cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-4353-1
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Dark humour,
    • Satirical anthology,
    • Satirical short stories and poems,
    • Contemporary satire,
    • Contemporary social commentary,
    • Straight white millennial male satire,
    • Satirical observations on life

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Humour Me
With Enough Stupidity May Blossom Great Profundity. This Is Not One Of Those Times.
by Kenneth Thompson

Kenneth wrote this book at the age of twenty-one. In his high school yearbook Kenneth won ‘Funniest Twitter Account’ and has been riding off that success ever since. Every time Kenneth eats at a restaurant he tells the server that he won ‘Funniest Twitter Account’ in his high school yearbook so that they will give him a discount. They never do. Kenneth once got a parking ticket and tried explaining to the judge, in a very civil manner, that his ticket should be invalidated given that he won ‘Funniest Twitter Account’ in his high school yearbook. The judge didn’t invalidate it. Kenneth once really liked a girl who didn’t like him back even after he explained to her that he won ‘Funniest Twitter Account’ in his high school year book. She still didn’t like him back. Though his yearbook award has yet to repay him with any good fortune, Kenneth is still hopeful that he can use this success to one day get what he wants. Until then, Kenneth plans on writing books with no central theme or plot, and hopes that people develop an affinity for something in this very weird, preachy, brief anthology. He hopes you enjoy some of it.

Kenneth Thompson is the person who wrote the book you are reading right now. He is alive on the planet you are living on right now, and he is the person you are thinking of when you imagine a Ryan Gosling lookalike. Kenneth has been told by many people that he actually doesn't look like Ryan Gosling at all and that he should really stop telling people that he does because what was once a silly little joke has now turned into a weird, delusional comparison. Kenneth believes this criticism holds no weight. Kenneth is twenty-two and this is his second book. He wrote his first book when he was twenty, but he doesn't like it so he is hoping that this one invalidates that one. Kenneth hopes you enjoy this book, and if you don't then please keep it to yourself because he is sensitive to criticism. Adios.


Kenneth Thompson

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