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Abre la Puerta cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-3190-3
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Spanish,
    • English,
    • French,
    • Nature,
    • Love & Friendship,
    • Time,
    • Life & Death

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Abre la Puerta
by Emilio D. Puerta

If you like trekking far and wide To see what wonder places hide; If you like when ecology Joins forces with philosophy; If you like tongues that foreign be; If you like vivid artistry That takes you to the olden ages And jumps out from the bounded pages; If you like tales of bravery Or possibly of knavery; If you like reaching higher heights; If you like fighting for your rights; If you like love and mystery (And hints about my history) That all are done through poetry With wit and sometimes comedy– Then, pray, dear reader, take my hand, And step inside my wondrous land.

Emilio D. Puerta photo

Emilio D Puerta inched his way onto the writing scene after tapping into his creative talent at the Howlett Academy, where he had attended Junior High, and even further at the Abelard School, where he had attended High School He then spent over a decade polishing and evolving his craft while presenting his work at various events in the poetry community As a Canadian with Colombian roots, Emilio is fluent in both English and Spanish (with his French coming along slowly but nicely), and uses his linguistic knowledge as a means to enrich his writing as well as enhance his understanding of his mother tongue He lives for travel and adventure, which had taken him about the world, most often to Colombia and Spain, but for the most part he lives in Toronto, Canada This is his first collection of poetry


Emilio D. Puerta
Erica Ferguson

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