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Culture Shock cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-1932-1
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Learning about China,
    • Teaching English in China,
    • Culture shock,
    • Examining cultural differences,
    • Adapting to new societal norms,
    • Living and working in China,
    • Travels in China

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Culture Shock
Living and Working in China at Age 68
by Marlene Ritchie

Marlene Ritchie is off to teach in China at age 68. She’s just divorced and retired from the auction business she and her husband founded, and is now examining her past and finding the self-confidence to start anew. She’ll be embedded in the commune of a Chinese university, attending to her basic needs with little Chinese speaking ability, while making lesson plans and teaching English, uncertain whether the students will be able to understand. The man in charge of her accommodations reluctantly addresses faults in her apartment, challenging her patience and finesse. As she ventures about to understand what life is like for her students, colleagues, business and farming acquaintances, she often gets into predicaments which are amusing. Her understanding is enriched by trips to historic sites. China is in flux. It’s a crash course covering language, history, and sociology with exotic dinners thrown in. Marlene wasn’t going to miss out, and neither are you as you live her experiences through the pages of this heart-warming narrative.

"Marlene Ritchie's Culture Shock grabs the reader. Newly divorced, her business sold, Ritchie goes to China to teach English. China is in the throws of change, too. Experience this culture shift from the inside through the wide-open heart of a gifted storyteller." Janet Barkhouse, poet and kid lit writer.

Marlene Ritchie photo

Marlene Ritchie, a native of Laurelville, Ohio, taught in the U.S. and Japan, became a registered nurse, and assisted Emma N. Plank to write Working With Children in Hospitals. After marriage she moved to Canada and with her husband founded Ritchie's, an iconic auction house. In retirement she taught in China, then returned to write, volunteer and teach. Child Research Net and other journals published he work and twice she won a Toronto Arts Council Grant. Her writing is influenced by her colourful life, and the laughter, tears and joys of being a mother. She lives in Orangeville, Ontario


Marlene Ritchie

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