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The King's Shilling and Stalag V111B cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-1439-5
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Autobiography,
    • Death March,
    • Lamsdorf,
    • Prisoner of War (POW),
    • Royal Air Force (RAF),
    • Stalag VIIIB,
    • World War II

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The King's Shilling and Stalag V111B
by Anthony G. Parnell.

Born in London, England in 1922, Anthony Parnell's interest in aeroplanes took hold of his imagination at an early age. He became a plane spotter with his friend at Croydon Aerodrome. As his love grew, his dream was that one day he would fly. Becoming a pilot in the RAF fulfilled that dream. On March 28, 1942 leaving at dawn on a Top Secret Mission, Anthony's flight came to an abrupt end when he made an emergency landing with his crippled plane on a beach he believed was on the English coast. He and his crew were taken prisoner and thus began his WWII experience as a Prisoner Of War in Stalag V111B. This book tells the story of Anthony's experience during that suspenseful and hopeless time, including his attempts at escape and the 1,000 kilometres walk across Europe in winter conditions that would later become known as The Death March. Per Ardua ad Astra - Through Adversity to the Stars - that is the RAF Motto, and the motto that Anthony Parnell would attempt to follow in his struggle for survival.

Anthony G. Parnell. photo

Anthony G. Parnell was born in London, England in 1922. He soon became a plane spotter and enthusiast. When he was demobbed from the RAF he accepted the option to return to school. Eventually, he graduated as an Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon. He practised in Newcastle for a time but later moved his family to Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. A few years later he moved to London, Ontario where he and a colleague were instrumental in the Dental Department of the University of Western Ontario. Chief Oral Surgeon at the University and Chief of the Dental Department at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Ontario he practised until he retired Professor Emeritus. He passed away July 7th, 2013. His memoirs are being published posthumously.


Anthony G. Parnell.

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