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Enigma In Whitechapel cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-1365-7
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • London England,
    • Toronto Canada,
    • Immigration,
    • Nineteenth century,
    • Crime,
    • Jack the Ripper,
    • Historical fiction

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Enigma In Whitechapel
by Stephen A. Pease

Henry Bruce is a good man, a loving husband, and a doting father—but his one flaw puts himself and his family in grave danger. The year is 1888, and Henry lives a modest life with his wife and children in the notorious Tower Hamlets borough of London. When his penchant for betting on greyhound races lands him in debt with the local Tower Gang, he is forced to plan his family’s discreet escape. However, their survival won’t be easy, as the Bruces have come into the line of sight of the gang’s most brutal and infamous member: Leather Gloves, a.k.a, Jack the Ripper. After a few daring maneuvers, Henry and his family make it to Canada, where they plan to start a new life. However, the Tower Gang knows no limits, and merciless killers are sent across the ocean to fulfill the gruesome deed. Bruce must remain vigilant to defend his family using any means possible, as he discovers that police officers cannot be depended upon. When the main villain arrives, blood will stain the streets, and Henry will be forced to outsmart the most dangerous man in Canada; then—and only then—can he and his family live without fear. In this fascinating historical crime thriller, author Stephen A. Pease brings us a story of action, adventure, and intrigue, unmasking Jack the Ripper and his motives in a way we’ve never seen before.

Stephen A. Pease photo

Stephen A. Pease is a Canadian author and retired police officer. He grew up in Toronto, Ontario, and signed up for the Canadian Army Reserve when he was sixteen. In 1973, he joined the Toronto Police Force, where he remained for thirty-four years, working mostly as a Detective Constable. Following his retirement, he began to explore his passions for history and writing, spending several years researching his genealogy and putting it into words. Upon discovering that his relatives lived in the same borough as Jack the Ripper during the nefarious killer’s active years, the author was inspired to fuse fact with fiction in his first book. Engima in Whitechapel is a compelling historical crime and adventure novel that combines Stephen’s detailed research, his imagination as a writer, and his experiences as a detective in the urban sprawl of Toronto. He now resides in Bobcaygeon, Ontario, with his wife Linda. Together, they have four children. He currently spends his time writing and enjoying the surroundings of his peaceful town.


Stephen A. Pease

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