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Yoga as Origami cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-0829-5
    • epub files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-5255-0828-8
    • 7.0 x 10.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 280 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-5255-0827-1
    • 7.0 x 10.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 280 pages
  • Keywords
    • Katonah Yoga,
    • Hatha Yoga,
    • Pranayama,
    • Taoism,
    • Geometry,
    • Measurements,
    • Archetypes

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Yoga as Origami
Themes from Katonah Yoga
by Kat Villain

The practices of the body hold the power to transform the habits of the mind. Understanding the body’s fundamental proportions, folds, and fits is the key to establishing a safe and effective yoga practice and achieving optimal health and well-being. Katonah Yoga, a type of Hatha yoga developed by Nevine Michaan, combines Daoist concepts with sacred geometries and the archetypal measurements of the human body. Like origami, postures are both a precise geometric puzzle and a disciplined creative art form. This comprehensive guide for daily practice contains concrete, specific instructions for a wide array of postures along with metaphorical descriptions and discussions of the esoteric wisdom and patterns that underlie all form. It is suitable for those of all levels and backgrounds, from beginners to experienced practitioners. Extensive illustrations and photographs, including suggestions, the correct use of props, and common errors, accompany the text.

"This book will not only transform your yoga practice, but it will change your perspective of the whole universe! Kat does an outstanding job at giving the reader a snapshot into the Katonah practice, which is revolutionizing asana by merging traditional Chinese medicine, sacred geometry, and nature. I have no doubt that this will become a classic read for both the novice and experienced yogi.” Ana Klahr, Neuroscientist “I think Kat's material is I stunning. Her diagrams and narrative are imaginative, technical,  generous, mystical, and practical. “ Nevine Michaan, Founder of Katonah Yoga

Kat Villain photo

Kat Villain travelled the world teaching yoga but was earnestly seeking out yoga information that was practical and pragmatic. At Katonah Yoga she found solace in the teachings as well as in the strong focus on the communal aspects of the practice. Being nomadic for many years helped her to appreciate the strong bonds of the Katonah community in New York, and this realization is what her work is now based on. It can be very hard for us to see our blind spots, and without insights from our community, transformation is slow to occur. The ability to help each other out and to foster a sense of unity in a city’s isolation helps to soothe the soul. It affords the opportunity for personal transformation and liberation. Kat is eternally grateful for her community in Edmonton, Alberta, for everything they have taught her and all they will continue to teach her. This community gave her the strength to create the book that is before you.


Kat Villain

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