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To Tell A Tale Or Two cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-0273-6
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Dark humour,
    • Comic anthology,
    • Satirical short stories,
    • Contemporary musings,
    • Satirical/referential poetry,
    • Thoughts on love,
    • Satirical observations on life

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To Tell A Tale Or Two
Here's What I Have To Offer
by Kenneth Thompson

This book has approximately forty thousand words in it. These words are separated into dozens and dozens of short stories, vignettes, and poems. These dozens and dozens of short stories, vignettes, and poems consist of a variety of themes. These themes include stupidity, love, fate, stupidity, life, death, uneducated opinions, and more stupidity. The good thing about this book is that if you dislike one story then all you have to do is turn the page and a brand new one will be waiting right there for you. Kenneth hopes this vague description is captivating enough to get you to buy it. In a nutshell, if you end up purchasing this book filled with weak and idle themes then Kenneth would just like to thank you and say goodnight unto you all. Kenneth is not afraid of Shakespeare suing him for using his lines because, well, you know, he’s dead.

Kenneth Thompson photo

Kenneth Thompson wrote this book at the age of twenty. He grew up in a town, has a family, and attends a school. He likes vague descriptions because they’re easy to write. Kenneth does not like when people call him “Ken” because it reminds him of a Barbie doll. Kenneth never liked Barbie dolls and was always more of a Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles kind of guy. Kenneth is able to put both his legs behind his head and is much too willing to show people whenever he gets the chance. When Kenneth is intoxicated he tends to recite half of Hamlet’s soliloquy from Act 3 Scene 1. Kenneth has a habit of going off on a tangent when writing, which is why this book is filled with so much stupidity. This is all the information you need to know about the author. Enjoy.


Kenneth Thompson

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