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Life Lessons of Elizabeth Hille cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-9856-5
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Memoir,
    • autobiography,
    • health and wellness,
    • parenting,
    • family memoir,
    • Canadian memoir,
    • life stories.

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Life Lessons of Elizabeth Hille
by Elizabeth N. Hille and Yvonne Olson

Elizabeth Hille was a strong-willed, resourceful, straight-talking woman who lived to help others and share the lessons she had learned. In this powerful and unique memoir, published after her death, she offers compelling snapshots of her journey through a challenging life of single parenting, hard work and looking for love. Her passion for alternative health practices propelled her to offer her advice and services to all who needed them, and she helped countless people recover from illnesses to live fuller, happier lives. Never one to mince words or suffer fools, Elizabeth Hille’s story is her final gift of love to the world. She is sure to inspire you with her authentic voice and her adamant belief that miracles really do exist.

Born tenth out of thirteen to a poor family on a farm in rural Manitoba, Elizabeth (Fron) Hille fought an uphill battle within herself to become a valued member of family and society. She was thoughtful and kind-hearted, often sending her family gifts she had made for holidays and other occasions. Always resourceful and hardworking, her children had homemade coats and clothes, hand-upholstered furniture and huge gardens full of fresh food to eat. She worked for years to achieve her university degree in math and science so she could assist people with understanding and bettering their health. She strove to enlighten us all—whether we were ready or not!


Elizabeth N. Hille
Yvonne Olson

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