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Listen to Your Garden cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-9654-7
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Garden,
    • Nature,
    • Salt Spring Island,
    • Life Lessons,
    • Humour,
    • Environment,
    • Spirituality

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Listen to Your Garden
Hidden Dimensions
by Jim Warren

The stories in this book describe a personal encounter with the broader environment of the garden. Nature becomes this book and Human Nature becomes the story. These stories will show you how the garden can speak to you; that you can have an intimate relationship with it from your bicameral brain. The stories describe plaintive and enthusiastic reports from the garden that the author has faithfully translated. By the end of this book, you will know that nothing is ever exactly as it seems...neither in the garden, nor in life, The stories in this book stress the magic the garden displays: that the seemingly ordinary is always extraordinary. It becomes, when living life as part of the garden, that we seek to know the hidden dimensions. While often translated as a fable or a parable or an allegory, what is sought after is revealed in real events. As the author, I am a simple garden scribe.

When Sir Thomas Browne, graduated in Medicine at Leiden in 1654, he wrote, “—thus there are two books from which I collect my divinity: besides that written one of God, another of his servant Nature, that universal and publick manuscript that lies expansed unto the eyes of all: Those that never saw him in the One, have discovered him in the Other.”

Jim Warren photo

The author is a retired Orthopedic Surgeon who practiced surgery in Victoria, British Columbia for 45 years. He has lived on Salt Spring Island British Columbia in a garden and orchard beside the water with his wife Joan, a ceramic artist and a pianist for 30 years. They have celebrated 59 years together. He graduated from medicine at the University of Manitoba in 1957, obtained a M.Sc. in Anatomy in 1961 at the University of British Columbia and a Canadian Fellowship in Orthopedic Surgery in 1963. The role of the garden has given him the blessing of exultation and serenity that he drew on to meet the pressures of his surgical practice and responsibilities to impart the joy of gardening and understanding to his children and grandchildren and to encourage the love of nature and the environment. He has published two books in the past with Friesen Press, An Elderly Eclectic Gentleman and A Braided Cord. He writes from time to time in a blog on the Web Site,


Jim Warren

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