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Journey Into Health cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-8952-5
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Exercise,
    • Fitness,
    • Healthy living,
    • Joining a gym,
    • Benefits of exercise,
    • Health and fitness,
    • Personal training

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Journey Into Health
Inspiring Lessons in Fitness and Business
by Sheena Bull

If you’re looking for a typical fitness book, this isn’t it — and that’s a good thing! Part memoir, part reference book, and part motivational text, Journey into Health: Inspiring Lessons in Fitness and Business speaks to those who are interested in becoming fit and healthy for life, not just in looking for six-pack abs or competing in a sporting event. With warmth and compassion, this book describes how health affects an entire community and how gyms and fitness centres are the core of a healthy community. It also explains how everyone has a personal responsibility to become fit and stay fit to benefit themselves, their families, their communities, and the planet. Even the most reluctant exerciser will be motivated and inspired! Be prepared to buy a new gym outfit and hit your favourite fitness studio— and don’t worry, you’ll find common sense advice on getting started in this book, too. With the help of Journey into Health: Inspiring Lessons in Fitness and Business, you too can overcome a fear of the gym and become healthier and happier in order to enjoy life fully.

Sheena Bull photo

Sheena Bull found a passion for exercise when she was fourteen years old and unable to run a mile around the track without stopping during a fitness test. In the month following, she took up a running program and eventually completed the run in 7.5 minutes. She continued to make exercise a part of her life, even during her four pregnancies. In 1997, Sheena and her family moved to Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, where she created a personal training studio in the back of her home with a treadmill and a few pieces of exercise equipment. Fulfilling a lifelong dream of business ownership, Sheena grew her personal training studio into a full gym with 350 members and a team of four personal trainers. In 2014, Sheena sold her business and took the opportunity to ride her touring bike from Victoria, British Columbia, to Northern California. During that adventure, she discovered her intuitive side and was inspired to return to Salt Spring Island to write a book about her experiences as a business owner and personal trainer. In her role as an intuitive personal trainer and life coach, Sheena brings her passion for fitness and her love of helping others discover their peak fitness.


Sheena Bull

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