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Deliver Us From Evil
The Remarkable True Story of a Child’s Abuse, Spiritual Deception, Deliverance and Ultimate Redemption.
by Ron Corcoran

Safety, Acceptance, Belonging. These words come to mind when we hear about families. Having a mother, father, and twelve siblings living in a strong Christian faith should mean plenty of love, laughter and companionship. But what if, inexplicably, one’s parents selectively manipulated and mistreated some of the children and not the others? How would you deal with being one of three children who constantly bore unprovoked wrath and abuse — while watching the others receive the love, affirmation and nurturing you so desperately needed and craved? Would you ask yourself if your life was worth anything to anyone at all? Would you feel that God had overlooked and abandoned you? Would you despair of God for being unresponsive when you cried out for relief? Ron Corcoran’s frank and honest memoir courageously proclaims that no matter how wretched, broken or angry we may be, we can indeed be delivered, redeemed and transformed by the love of the living, eternal God.

Ron Corcoran photo

With almost thirty years of ordained ministry, Ron Corcoran currently serves in the Anglican Network in Canada as the Archdeacon of Vancouver Island. He is the author of The Bishop or the King and Jesus, Remember Me, and lives in Victoria, British Columbia, with his beloved wife, Deirdre.


Ron Corcoran

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