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Through the Mind's Eye: A Journey of Self-Discovery cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-9253-2
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-4602-9252-5
    • 5.0 x 8.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 174 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-4602-9251-8
    • 5.0 x 8.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 174 pages
  • Keywords
    • Non-fiction,
    • Self-help,
    • Addiction,
    • Addiction recovery,
    • Support,
    • Inspiration,
    • Vancouver

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Through the Mind's Eye: A Journey of Self-Discovery
by J.P. Willson

Depression, self-loathing, unemployment, and destroyed relationships: the effects of drug and alcohol addiction run so much deeper than the morning-after hangover. However, awareness alone will not save the struggling addict, as J.P. Willson reveals in his fearless examination of substance dependency; recovery means doing the mental and emotional work to look inside oneself and discover a way to live as a sober, fulfilled individual in an often challenging world. Through the Mind’s Eye: A Journey of Self-Discovery is a thought-provoking and honest examination of the emotional, psychological, and physical ways someone must enact their own healing. As a recovering alcoholic, Willson courageously shares his own story of addiction, as well the ups and downs he experienced along the road to recovery. Packed with astonishing insights about our culture’s relationship to alcohol, as well as the lies we tell ourselves in order to keep using, this book will change the way you view addiction. Willson has no qualms about telling the reader how difficult recovery is—and how there is no quick cure-all—but his compassionate, candid reflections help foster the knowledge and will to change.

“This is a work of insight and compassion that will deeply benefit people struggling with addiction, and additionally, those who are helping others through their addiction.” —FriesenPress Editor

J.P. Willson photo

J.P. Willson is a writer and chef living on the west coast of Canada. Growing up as the shy, quiet child in a large middle-class family, he has always been an observer, a thinker, and a wonderer. He has worked as a Red Seal chef for twenty-five years, and is highly skilled in his trade. However, despite his accomplishments, his life has not been easy. J.P. struggled with alcoholism for nearly thirty years, which resulted in homelessness, unemployment, loneliness, and spiralling depression. Having done the soul-searching and continuing work required for recovery, J.P. decided to share his experience and knowledge to help others along their own journeys. Through the Mind’s Eye: A Journey of Self-Discovery is his first publication. J.P. is deeply grateful for the love and support of his family, counsellors, and friends.


J.P. Willson

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