Self-Help, Substance Abuse & Addictions, Alcoholism
Sail with the Tide
a Dad's View of Addiction by James W. Stewart
Sadly, few of us haven’t had our lives touched by addiction. Even more tragic, for many of us, it is our child who is suffering—and our child who we struggle to help. James W. Stewart is one such parent. When his late son, Joshua, started down...
Fuel Your Recovery!
Healing with Nutrition in the Journey from Addiction by Nicole Fetterly
Finally, a holistic guide to aid in healing from alcohol and drug addiction with better nutrition! In Fuel Your Recovery, Nicole Fetterly shares how she battled her addictions to alcohol and cannabis for over a decade. And yet her life as a...
Legacy of Love
Owning our Power to Heal by Tanyce Westgard
This book is for anyone who has been impacted by the family disease of addiction. It’s designed to help you navigate a way through the tears, fears and failures of loving someone with the disease. I have designed a roadmap to help us learn how to...
Surviving Magnelia Monsoon
Beyond 1215 and the Bottle by Maggie Jansen
The seeds of alcoholism are often planted deep in the shadows of childhood, growing silently and unnoticed until it inevitably blooms into an active problem that can derail and destroy lives, careers, and families. Surviving Magnelia Monsoon:...
I Forgot to Stay Sober
How I Nearly Died Kicking My Addiction to Alcohol by J.T. Wahlberg
After two decades of mental, emotional, and physical afflictions, J. T. Wahlberg had had enough, and he was all set to end his twenty-year addiction to alcohol. There was just one problem: he “forgot” to research the potential risks of detoxing...
My Name Is Dale
by Dale A
This semi-autobiographical memoir by Dale A recounts his forty-one year flying career, his descent into alcohol addiction and most importantly, his thirty-two years in recovery. It is directed primarily towards individuals recovering from...
What Made My Family Ill?
And Healing Through Self Love by Sarah M. MacVicar
With searing simplicity, What Made My Family Ill? explores what mental health professionals are increasingly coming to describe as Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD). As the youngest in a farming family of ten children, Sarah...
Love, the Drug
From the Trap of Addiction to the Freedom of Recovery by Paige Abbott, Raju Hajela and Sue Newton
This in-depth examination of the impact of Love, the Drug: From the Trap of Addiction to the Freedom of Recovery, follows Addiction is Addiction (2015) and Addiction is Addiction Workbook (2018). Viewed from the perspective of Addiction as a...
My name is Ashley
by Ashley DesChenes
Have you ever felt like your entire existence was meant only to break you? Like no matter how hard you try, nothing would ever get better? Have you watched a loved one veer so far off from the person you thought you knew? With every action and...
One Man's Destiny
by Walter M. Cerneka
This book was written by a man that has lived half of his life in turmoil and addiction. His decisions took him to places that could have killed him, but this thing called DESTINY came into play. The author puts destiny and higher power as one....