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No One Owns A  Tree cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-4602-9186-3
    • 8.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 44 pages
  • Keywords
    • Picture book,
    • Elm tree,
    • Tree house,
    • Sharing,
    • Emotions and feelings,
    • Environment,
    • Habitat

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No One Owns A Tree
by Arlene Evelyn Melanson

One sunny summer morning Ryder heads to his tree house as he starts to climb the ladder he heard loud scratching sounds what could it be? Who or what is in his tree house come down he shouted this is my tree!! All of a sudden things grew quiet then there was a explosion of hooting and laughter Ryder thought to himself how would he ever get his treehouse back from what ever strange thing had moved in.

Old and young, friends and family would make their way to visit our tree house , and on many occasions, raccoons would have spent the night and sometimes were there in the morning... usually leaving quite the mess

Arlene Evelyn Melanson had been writing fiction since she had been very young. She always wanted to write a children's book and become an author. She spent many summer days reading books in a maple tree in her parents backyard, and the idea came to her for 'No One Owns A Tree' when she was thinking of all the fun times over the years her children and grandchildren had in the treehouse on their farm growing up. There were many mornings they woke to find the treehouse had been visited by masked bandits during the night, who often decided to stay there in the morning. Arlene has always loved trees herself and she hopes to get a message out to children at a young age, and in a fun way through reading,, how important trees are to the environment. She lives on a small hobby farm outside of Owen Sound Ont. with her husband, dogs cats and two horses.


Arlene Evelyn Melanson
Kaitlyn Webster

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