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Naturality cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-8284-7
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Natural living,
    • Innate nature,
    • Interconnectedness,
    • Spirituality,
    • Philosophy,
    • Enlightenment,
    • Existence

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Living according to our nature, walking our own path
by Jivasu

We are born from nature, sustained by nature and eventually return to nature. Yet somehow, we are separated from that very nature, both within and without. This leads to fear, conflict and sorrow within and the destruction of nature outside. Why does this happen and how does it happen? Naturality is the process of understanding the cause of this fear, conflict and discontent. Naturality is also the process of understanding how to free ourselves from this prison. We have to become our own teachers, open the book of life, investigate and find the answers on our own, like scientists. No one can provide us with the answers to our existential problems. Naturality is “to live according to our nature and walk our own path.” Then we can truly call ourselves Naturals.

'Neither religious nor spiritual but natural'

Jivasu photo

Jivasu’s teachings are called Naturality or Sahajta. Naturality is to ‘to live according to our nature’ and ‘to walk our own path’. The core of his teachings is about the fear of death (and life) and the emergence of the ego in response to this fear. The ego helps us to escape from the fear of death and promises an illusory immortality. This illusory immortality is needed in the beginning of life, but later on we have to go beyond the ego to experience freedom from fear and true immortality. Born in 1956, Jivasu was trained as a pediatrician in India. He with his wife Karen (one of his teachers) served for thirteen years in the remote villages of the Uttarakhand Himalayas. While living in Sivananda Ashram, he experienced his first awakening. This came to full fruition twelve years later in the experience of ‘wholeness’ and ‘freedom from the psychological fear of the death.’ Eventually the process culminated in the realization that death is not the end of life. Only the mind and the body die but consciousness is immortal. He conceived Expansiveness Meditation (Braham Dhyan) and the Breath of Dissolution (Kalajayi Pranayam), two elements of Naturality teachings. He also concluded that all spiritual experiences have a biological basis. When the brain is cleaned of memories and emotional scars, it will connect to and clearly reflect the universe within and around us. He is the author of a book of poetry entitled Offerings in Longing and Love.


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