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Farmwives in Profile cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-7764-5
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-4602-7763-8
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 128 pages
  • Keywords
    • Farmwives,
    • Women and farming,
    • Farming in rural Canada,
    • Farm recipes,
    • Farming heritage,
    • Women and legacy,
    • Marriage and family on the farm

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Farmwives in Profile
17 Women: 17 candid questions about their lives Photos & Recipes
by Billi J Miller

When Billi married her husband, a 4th generation Canadian farmer, she quickly discovered there were very little photographs of their rich, 100-year farming heritage. As a writer + photographer, she felt called to do something about it. Since relocating in 2010 to the country from the big city: she was taken aback by the amazing contributions of the farmwives, not only in their homes and in their families - but, in their communities. This book celebrates them, their life's work, and their passionate dedication to the larger patchwork of Canada's Heritage. Farmwives in Profile is a labour of love “heart project” for Billi J Miller that blends heartfelt Q + A's about each woman’s life as a farmwife, beautiful photos, and of course, recipes! As a touching tribute to them, some of the families have included a piece as to the impact their Mom has had on their lives. This book serves as both a lasting legacy for those that live here, as well as, an intimate and culinary look into life on the Canadian Prairies for those that do not.

“Sometimes I wondered if she felt she missed out - suddenly married with children running a farm. This process is helping her (and my dad) to see how awesome she is, how worthy of goodness she is. It’s changed her confidence. This is really special. It means a lot to all of us. Thanks for putting your heart into this.” — Daughter of a Farmwife "You are doing such good work in the world. Amen! Keep doing this. It is changing lives.” —Lori Claerhout, “I LOVE THIIIIIS. And you. You are showing women how much they matter. This is deep, healing work. I am proud of you. :)” - Alexandra Franzen (

Previously on a career path in Government in the city, Billi J Miller happily gave it up to marry the “Farmer” of her dreams and live in the country in 2010. She has since created 2 successful photography businesses where she photographs farm families “while at work”, and creates and sells fine art photography. Her award-winning work has been recognized and on display at numerous venues. She is a member of the Professional Writers Association of Canada (PWAC) and she freelance writes for newsprint + magazines. She resides with her husband and their 2 young girls on a 100-year old farm in Alberta, Canada. You can find her work here:


Billi J Miller

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