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Collage Quest cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-7411-8
    • pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Collage,
    • self-help,
    • spiritual,
    • creative arts,
    • shape-shifting,
    • visual arts,
    • quest

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Collage Quest
Ancient Roots of Paper Co-Creations
by Donna L. Thompson

Come voyage through lost roots of the multi-dimensional artistry of collage. This seemingly simple method leads you on an adventure of self discovery, developing your innate abilities for shapes-shifting using paper, scissors and glue. Author and artist Donna Thompson shares her wisdom and stories as she leads you on a journey through time. From caves of old to collaging in your own home, this colorful adventure is an in-depth exploration of humanity’s ancient connections to making art. This triple layered approach is actually three books in one. It begins by guiding you through the mystical Doorway of Color, where you learn the Celtic ways of sensing, gathering and envisioning with images. Next comes the Doorway of Ceremonies, where you unearth indigenous ways of communing with collage. And finally, the Doorway of Dreams, leading to the most ancient ways of remembering who you truly are. Learning to quest with collage is all about playing with colors, signs and synchronicity. It is also a metaphor for the ongoing journey of each human life. You are invited to come along in search of multi-hued elements to weave into an ever unfolding landscape of your own design. Collage Quest is a guide for tracing these deep roots and translating them into modern day materials and language. It is a unique and powerful 21st century tool of co-creation.

“Collage Quest: Ancient Roots of Paper Co-Creations is itself a beautiful collage of ancient lore and modern collage-making practices, enhanced with Donna Thompson’s personal life experiences. The clear and inspiring instructions will make artwork a pleasure even for people not artistically inclined. I enjoyed traveling through Donna’s world of seeing, dreaming, and communing, following her wise guidelines for creating and enriching one’s inner and outer life.” Tom Cowan author of Fire in the Head: Shamanism and the Celtic Spirit and Yearning for the Wind: Celtic Reflections on Nature and the Soul

Donna L. Thompson photo

Donna Thompson is a multi-faceted artist and spiritual explorer. A workshop facilitator and soul coach she has shared her love of collage, color, multi-cultural spiritual traditions and holistic healing in workshops throughout the US. She spends the cooler months in southern New York and the warmer ones on Digby Neck, Nova Scotia.


Donna L. Thompson
Design by
Dana Irwin

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