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Harry Humble cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-5762-3
    • pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-4602-5761-6
    • 8.5 x 11.0 inches
    • Premium Color interior
    • 32 pages
  • Keywords
    • Humble,
    • stutter,
    • toy,
    • friends,
    • boys,
    • prayers,
    • school

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Harry Humble
by Kara Ketcham

Before Harry leaves home for his first day of school, his parents remind him to be nice to the new students in his class. When Harry sees a boy sitting alone in the auditorium, he introduces himself while the other kids stand at a distance making fun of the boy’s stutter. Harry and Luke become great friends, despite the other kids’ teasing. Harry Humble helps children understand how a simple act of kindness can change lives for the better. Through Harry’s actions, children see how the compassion given to others comes back to them.

Kara Ketcham photo

Kara Ketcham served as a police officer in New Jersey before retiring in 2008. During her time on the force, Kara maintained public safety, dealt with criminals, and saved the life of a child, for which she received a commendation. In her line of work, Kara witnessed evil in a dark world, and she has seen how difficult it is to escape destructive situations. She understands that everyone needs compassion, and she enjoys sharing positive and uplifting messages with each person she meets. Kara draws her strength from spiritual and meditation workshops she has attended in recent years, and she hopes to continue shining a light in a world that is surrounded by darkness. Harry Humble, Kara’s first children’s book, conveys the message that in a world where children often feel peer pressure, it is okay to be nice, even if others are not. She shares the book with love from one humble human being to another. When at home on the beach in Spring Lake, New Jersey, Kara enjoys spending time with her nieces, paddle boarding on the ocean, collecting blue sea glass, and listening to the waves under the moon.


Kara Ketcham
Chad Thompson

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