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Honto 4 Real Spooky Stories
by Moira Ipo Maeda-Nakamine

Is Hawaii a supernatural hot spot? Is there life after death? Do the dead really walk? These questions have always fascinated people all around the world. We are captivated by people who have encountered disembodied spirits, fireballs, strange voices, and little people. The word “chicken skin” is a well known word among all cultural background in Hawaii. A blend of different cultures traditions and folklore is very much alive in the islands. Take a journey into Hawaii’s supernatural encounters and be prepared!

Honto 4 Real, 4 Real Kind Spooky Stories are some of Hawaii’s tales shared by storyteller, folklorist and shaman Moira “Ipo” Maeda-Nakamine. Tell tales based on true stories that have either happen to her, her family members and close friends. For those who do not care to believe in the supernatural, these tales can be enjoyed as fiction. For those who do believe that the dead walks, or are searching for answers, these stories will hopefully provide an answer into the shadow world.


Moira Ipo Maeda-Nakamine

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