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Two Trees
by David Leduc

Science, Philosophy, Religion and even Governments have long sought ‘The Grand Unified Theory of Everything.’ Even if they find it, I suspect they won’t be able to eliminate the fundamental contradictions of our existence. Every formula, doctrine and policy has so far failed to unify the universe. Contradiction is everywhere around and within us. I do not mean the elegant ‘complimentary opposites’ of the Yin-Yang. I speak of the irreconcilable dichotomies that simultaneously occupy our little sphere of influence. The Grand Unified Theory may yet be discovered in a tome of mathematical equations or in a single unpronounceable syllable. Deduction is not my discipline. My business is to take the emotions created by our shared confusion and craft them into an image or narrative that might compel someone to say out loud, “I know exactly how you feel!” That’s how poetry saves lives. When they find it, we can all relax and softly dissolve into eternal enlightenment. Until that wonderful day, I must continue to maintain my equilibrium in this round-about by the best way I’ve learned how; the reading & practice of poetry. Sincerely David Leduc

I was born on Halloween in the Year of the Water Snake. I grew to be left-handed & my schooling didn’t take.


David Leduc

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