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Pennies from Heaven
by Marjorie Malinowski

As the sequel to Not Your Time, Amy Murray the head of cardiology is too busy saving the life of a total stranger to save her own mother, even though everyone at the hospital tells her differently. Carrying this guilt, Amy struggles to figure out how to move forward. Her mother Ann has left her a path through a series of to do lists. Are the pennies she keeps finding messages from her mother? With her family and friends encouraging her to move on with her life, Amy has no idea what that means or how to do it, much less figure out what her future holds. She wants the same love she saw her parents have, but she has no idea how to find it. While helping her neighbour handle a critical emergency Amy meets a strong, handsome police officer. Is he the one? Follow Amy’s path as she learns about love and life.

Marjorie Malinowski photo

Marjorie has lived in Didsbury, Alberta for over thirty five years. Fifteen years ago, Marjorie changed her career from law to developing new business opportunities in the newly created emissions trading and climate change policies of Alberta and Canada. Looking for the freedom to work outside the regimented scientific requirements of protocol development, Marjorie has used her creative spirit to write two books, Not Your Time and Pennies from Heaven with a third book soon to follow.


Marjorie Malinowski

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