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That's My Story - Moving Down a Courageous Path
Book 2 of a Trilogy
by Estelle R. Reder

Partly memoir, love story, poetry anthology, meditation guide, and lesson manual, That’s My Story, Moving Down a Courageous Path uses a variety of methods to lead the reader down a spiritual path towards inner peace and life miracles. Health is wealth.  We all know that. When health eludes us we need to find new direction, and step out of our comfort zone.  The body is trying to tell us something.  Pointers gleaned from the path of another may become our stepping stones. So it is with health and relationships.  As humans we tend to repeat old patterns. To find new love, new happiness, we need to open to new possibilities. “I can alter my life by altering the attitude of my mind.” Moving Down will inspire you to M-O-V-E  D-O-W-N your own path with love and to L-O-V-E. “Your story helps to support those in their awakening by giving them the opportunity to assess the value of the guidance offered and how that aligns with what they already know to be true. It is important to encourage each and all to engage in their own practices that cover their entire being…body, mind, heart and soul. That’s the message that the world needs.” Babaji.

“Your story helps to support those in their awakening by giving them the opportunity to assess the value of the guidance offered and how that aligns with what they already know to be true.  It is important to encourage each and all to engage in their own practices that cover their entire being…body, mind, heart and soul.  That’s the message that the world needs.” Babaji

Estelle R. Reder photo

Estelle Reder is a life coach and public speaker. She is a Reiki Master/Teacher, certified in CranioSacral, Body Reading and Tarot. In addition to her private healing practice, Estelle hosts meditation groups and gives highly popular and interactive seminars as she divides her time between her home in Winnipeg (Canada), her winter residence in Weslaco (Texas) and travels throughout North America and Europe. Moving Down a Courageous Path is the second book in her That’s My Story trilogy. She has written two other books: That’s My Story. Book 1 – Taking a Courageous Path, published in 2009, and See and Read Auras – Ten Easy Ways, published in 2012.


Estelle R. Reder

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