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The Power of Living By Design
by Tom Ward , Paul Gustavson and Ed Foreman

Based on the proven premise that "individuals are perfectly designed to get the outcomes they get", The Power of Living By Design provokes your thoughts using a framework called the Successful Life Systems Design Model to guide you in understanding choices you’ve made in your life, either consciously or unconsciously. Integrating classic success principles from over twenty resources as alternative choices, The Power of Living By Design then provides a sequenced system to assure your future choices are aligned to efficiently work together toward your desired success. As builders follow the architect’s plans to remodel an outdated house into a beautiful home, with lessons from The Power of Living By Design, you can use the framework to identify the rooms in your life that merit remodelling and the sequenced system to create a personal blueprint for reconstruction. You become your own architect and builder of the future you yearn. For individuals that seek to understand the cause and effect of their choices and are looking for a systematic approach to changing some choices in their life, The Power of Living By Design is an integration of proven strategies and techniques to make a difference in designing a life of fulfillment.

Tom Ward Tom is a successful business executive with thirty-five years of experience in manufacturing and operations. Tom was born and raised in Tennessee. A graduate of the University of Tennessee and Washington University, St. Louis, Tom’s career led him to contribute to several of America’s great companies including executive positions with Frito-Lay, Reckitt Benckiser, Campbell’s Soup Company, Mead Johnson, American Woodmark and Newell Rubbermaid. During his career, Tom led operations and supply chain teams through successful transformations learning to create desired outcomes and winning cultures. Paul Gustavson Paul is a leading organizational design consultant specializing in strategy, the design of high performance work systems, change management, and knowledge management. A graduate of Brigham Young University, Paul recently co-authored the book, Running Into the Wind: Bronco Mendenhall: 5 Strategies for Building a Successful Team. Paul is the founder and CEO of Organization Planning & Design, Inc. Ed Foreman Ed is co-founder of Executive Development Systems of Dallas, Texas and creator of The Successful Life Course featured on CBS’s 60 Minutes. A graduate of New Mexico State University, Ed is also the only individual to be elected to the United States Congress from two different states, Texas and New Mexico.


Tom Ward
Paul Gustavson
Ed Foreman

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