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Stained Sand
by Benni Chisholm

Strolling on the seashore with her husband, Philomela Nightingale makes a grisly discovery. It drags the two of them beneath the island’s pristine paradise into a sleazy world of drug addiction and prostitution and turns their relaxing vacation into a nightmare beyond belief. Adding to her dismay, Philomela becomes a suspect. A sense of justice gradually rises to the fore, propelling her to use her intuition and powers of observation to help solve the puzzle of not one, but two disturbing murders.

Benni Chisholm photo

Benni Chisholm is a lapsed public health nurse,a retired mother of four, and an inveterate traveller. Her articles and short stories have appeared in magazines, newspapers, and booklets. Stained Sand is her first published novel.


Benni Chisholm

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