Young Adult Fiction, Social Themes, Friendship
Demons on Earth
by Elianna Lapciuc
Powerful demons are ready to conquer the universe, and teenage author Elianna Lapciuc is ready to conquer the good-versus-evil genre in these three interconnected stories. Story One After his birth, Ryan’s mother is thrown into lava by the Dark...
The Ghost of 5 Mile Creek
by Payne Schanski
For fifteen-year-old JB, life couldn’t get much worse. He’s been grounded for six months after making a huge mistake that’s ruined his reputation, and now his life consists of going to school and coming straight home: no more basketball games or...
Banded Together
by Sheena Pennie
It’s summer 1999 and the members of the Hamilton-Kellaher clan are on their way to Daybreak, their family cottage on Lake Pemichangan, Quebec. With his newly minted driver’s licence, sixteen-year-old Connor drives his step-sister, Francis, and...
The Boy in Black
by Evan Neben
“Living at the lake” is a boast in the minds of the populace surrounding the extravagant waterfront properties, a veritable blessing. Recently though, two different high schoolers have found themselves living at that very place, for much...