Travel, Europe
Milk with Wine
A Child's Year in Paris, 1963 by Meg Westley
In 1963, eight-year-old Meg is swept off to Paris for a year with her family. A precocious child raised in an English enclave of Montreal, she speaks no French at all. Her parents enrol her at a strict Parisian school, where she is treated like...
To Each Their Own Camino
One Woman's Walk Along Spain's Camino de Santiago by Roxey Edwards
There I was, an average middle-aged woman living and working on Canada’s west coast. How, then, did I come to be walking this ancient path, family and friends left behind, and everything I owned in a pack on my back? Exchanging my office pumps...
Travels in Languedoc
Secrets to a Memorable Visit by Andrea Swan and Monique Guezel
The Languedoc region of France features so many towns, festivals, restaurants, wineries, and cultural attractions that you could spend years getting to know the area. What’s a visitor to do when you have only so many days to explore the...
SH?#! Happens
Traveling With John and Leslie by John Turzer
Both John and Leslie enjoy traveling. While raising their family, Hawaii was a popular getaway destination. They have traveled to Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, all across the Untied States and Europe. For the past few trips, it seems like Sh?#!...
Green Mackinaw
In Europe 1954-55 by Alfred H. Siemens
A curious and earnestly spiritual Mennonite student at the university of British Columbia leaves for an exchange year in Europe in 1954. Decades later a crusty octogenarian looks back on his idealistic youth through that one year of study and...
A Garrulous Tramp
Harri's on Tour by Carl H. Harrison
After a career in Canadian banking Carl decided to retire early from gainful employment. He wanted to travel down the roads he had day-dreamed of during his working years. So off he went to achieve fulfilment of those travelling desires. A...
The Traveler's Guide to Greek Archaeology
Getting the Most from your Mediterranean Trip by Gregory A. Smith
Here is an indispensable guide for anyone embarking on cruise or trip around the countries that border the Mediterranean Sea. Read about the art and architecture of the ancient Greeks, whose world once extended from the shores of Asia Minor and...