A Treatise of Humanism
by Charles Thomas Taylor
Today, the human species is collectively confronting a complex existential crisis comprised of a number of diverse elements: political, economic, religious, technological, and environmental. The globalization of information and commerce has...
The Secret to Liberation from Suffering
A Synthesis and Translation of The Sāṃkhya Kārikā of Īśvarakṛṣṇa by Kassie Sambaraju
This new translation, with extensive commentary of the Sāṃkhya Kārikā (“Verses on Sāṃkhya”) is one of the foundational text of the six Āstika schools of Hindu philosophy. It is intended to provide readers with a literal, unadorned...
by John W. Galler
What if the majority of society simultaneously withdrew their cash and investments globally, and stopped working to collapse imperialist insanity? This would actually force the much needed attention and urgency to decide what we could become...
by Paul Hanley
Eleven billion people will crowd this marvelous planet by century’s end. If the global economy were to grow five-fold during this period as predicted, humanity’s ecological footprint would exceed Earth’s biocapacity by 400%. We need to chart a...
The Sentient Error
by Cory Aitken
As humans, we are made up of so many things we understand as “self.” We fear death and resist the inevitability of change. We want what we cannot have, what cannot be, instead of what is and what must be. We live in contradiction. In The Sentient...
Obstacles in Love & Finding Balance by Denise Plimley
Love is an important force in our lives. As we get older, many of us feel compelled to sort out our past in order to understand ourselves on a deeper level. In doing so, we can then give and receive love with more grace, appreciation, and...
The Lay Buddhist
Two Suttas and a Sutra by Jamyang Lodto
This book looks at three texts, two Theravada and one Mahayana. These ancient texts are discourses the Buddha gave to villagers, some followers of the Buddha’s teaching and some not. Together they outline the lay follower’s moral precepts, how to...
Chronology of Desire
by Richard Young
Few of us have lived a life as full of change as Richard Young. From his adolescence in Acton, West London in the 1960s through his time in Italy, Hong Kong, and then China, all the way to his later life in the States, watching his family grow,...
La Question Essentielle
Qui Suis-Je? by Sylvestre Kabeya
Vous êtes-vous déjà posé la question essentielle suivante : Qui suis-je ? Si oui, quelle réponse avez-vous reçue ? Votre réponse vous a-t-elle satisfaite ? Cependant, si cette question n’a jamais effleuré votre esprit, alors le moment serait venu...
Theater of Lies
Misinformation Divides Us – With Purpose. How to Protect Ourselves, & Why We Must. by Ted Griffith
Cynical about what you read and hear? Tired of the lies and misinformation? Who should you trust? Forty years ago, as Ted Griffith entered the business of communications, marketing, and public affairs—all aiming to persuade people to either...